Decemeber Wellness Newsletter
Happy Holidays from Teach for Wellness!
Happy Holidays from Teach for Wellness!
There’s lots of pressure to feel joyful and happy this time of the year, but the holidays can be a challenging time - for you and your students!
As you inch closer to winter break, remember that both educators and students need some grace and space to adjust to the excitement, busyness, pressure, and overwhelm of the season.
Whether you add in a few extra brain or breath breaks or swap some content time for card-making, try to listen to your own needs as an educator, so you’re able to adjust to the heightened energy of your students!

Try it with your students:
• Watch this short video and learn how a teacher uses positive affirmations to build kindness and empathy amongst her students!
Try it with your team:
• Looking to help your students build positive peer relationships? Use this tool from the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) with your teaching team to help students be their best selves, value and learn from each other, and communicate effectively!
Grow what you know:
• Check out this peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated entirely to SEL - Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy.

CASEL, or the Center for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, has made three important shifts in their guidance on adult SEL, and the vital role it plays in both school and student wellness!
- Schools should prioritize community care, rather than self-care
- Connection is a necessary precursor to collaboration
- Educators need to be lifted up as learners and leaders
To learn more about the new guidelines, as well as access tools and resources to support your school in adapting to them, click here!